Major project: Robotics

Robotics as a science is the field that deals with manufacturing, testing, developing every electronic gadget that may tend to help in one of the human daily activities. Also, robotics involves learning and initializing the machines in order that it do multiple tasks for the human. Today robots occupy a special and necessary place in human life, as it facilitated many aspects. For instance, we find Industrial robots and robot arms in the manufacturers and warehouses, such as those owned by Amazon, Devol, Best Buy and more. And many other examples of them. (Techtarget,2022). A different background information about the industry and developing the robotics will be mentioned upon this piece of writing.

Robotics has a multiple uses and application in many fields and it pretty predictable that by the near future it will be remarkable everywhere around us, especially in fields that are important and has a great role in the human lives such as Health care, Manufacturing, Agriculture. Also, it will take place in many other minor fields like entertainment, Food preparation, Costumers cervices, (, 2022) and many other major and minor fields as robotics is an extremely wide field and at the same time it includes the different aspect of the necessities of life on earth such as the ones that have been mentioned before. (Robots tech-reviews, 2022). Moreover, also this field “Robotics” is having an essential chair in the domain of Space Exploration. Some of the examples that worth mentioning is that:     

v  Space Exploration: there is a robot named “Mars Rover” it is an automatic robot has a major role which is taking different photos of the Martian rocks on that planet and send them back to earth to the NASA scientists to be studied (, 2022).

v  Health care: there is a robot that is called ”da Vinci robot” that can assist surgeons in completing difficult surgeries involving the brain, eyes, neck, and other sensitive areas (, 2022).

The main reason for creating robot was obvious that is supporting and assisting the human, and there is some other point, more than what was mentioned before which is that robots have three beneficial features are Productivity, Safety, Saving. Robots minimize the need for the workers to conduct an unsafe task or working under an instable condition such as dealing with a toxic chemical or performing in a tight space this means that robots can provide safely. And the other thing is that regarding it is a productive technology especially in the domain of manufacturing, it Also can provide time, money, efforts, and minimizing the volume of materials that is thrown away in the nature and as simple example of these robots that saves a lot is the Mobile Phones (RobotWorx, 2022).

Even though robots have a major benefit and have many uses of them in the human life, there are some concerns about them and regarding the fast development and the huge progress that the IT scientists have made in this domain. The most regard is that there will be a robot for each specific task that the men used to do by himself or in other word the tsks that used to be done only through the interference of the human factor and this problem will be the main reason for the rise of the number of people that are unemployed (World Economic, 2022), which absolutely will lead to the rise the social problems such as low-level living. And the other thing that also worth mentioning is that there some legal concerns regarding robots, and one of theme is that Privacy and Free Flow of Data is threatened by the customer service robots as in some cases in some companies these robots tend to collect a privet data about the customer for maybe a commercial purposes or other purposes (, 2022).

The concerns regarding the robotics industry and development that a few of theme was mentioned in the last paragraph stem from a different kind of robots, however there is a kind of robots that there is a bigger concern about is which the ones that work with the principles of the Artificial Intelligence technology. And also lets do not forget that applicating the AI technology in the domain of Robotics have a benefits, so in a nutshell, AI inside the robots is a double-edged sword. One of these concerns is the development of the Autonomous weapons which is a self-lunched weapons which lunch under some certain circumstances for example what will happen if there will be a nuclear war (, 2022), there will be a self-lunched missals pointed towards different cities.

As there was mention at the beginning of the blog the robots are a technological gadget that is programmed to do a certain task automatically, and the main and important step of preparing these machines and make it ready to use is programming which is a way of communication between the machine and the programmer. Python is the most language among the machine programmers and to give a brief hint about this language: (, 2022) Python is a high-level programming language that is wide frequently used in the robotics industry and developing, and it used to create embedded systems. and recently It has become a prominent player in ROS (Robots Operating System). due to all its essential characteristics.

Here are TOP 10 robotics companies in the world (, 2022):

1.iRobot.   2. GreyOrange.   3. Epson Robots.   4. Rethink Robotics.   5. Alphabet Inc.   6. DJI.   7.LocusRobotics.   8. SCHUNK.   9. Vex Robotics.   10. Autonomous Solutions.


TechTarget, 2022. What is robotics? [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 April 2022]., 2022. Top 10 Robotics Companies in the World. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 April 2022]., 2022. Must Learn Top Programming Languages For Robotics In 2022 -. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 April 2022]., 2022. Top 10 Applications of Robotics in 2020 - GeeksforGeeks. [online] GeeksforGeeks. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 April 2022]., 2022. 6 main ethical concerns of service robots and human interaction. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 April 2022].

robots tech-reviews, 2022. Impact of Robotics: What It Is And How It Benefits The World. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 April 2022]., 2022. Top 6 Potential Dangers of AI Technology You Never Knew. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 April 2022].

RobotWorx, 2022. Benefits of Robots. [online] RobotWorx. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 April 2022].


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