Primary Research (General Questions Analysis)

Primary Research  (General Questions Analysis)

The second stage of the questionnaire was braked down into two chanks, in the first one the 13 participants went through some educational background questions. What is their level of studies and what is their current educational situation, current students, ex-university, and researchers?

To be honest, most of the people that participated are my friends, so automatically the majority of them are university students who are studying Computing. So for that reason, the result showed that 100% of the participant are interested in the domain of technology.

In the other chank of the questionnaire, the participants answered some questions regarding my field of interest in the world of computing, which is robotics, in terms of their background knowledge regarding robotics there were several answers to differ, however, most of them found that the domain of robotics is interesting, and they were inclined to it.

Despite the fact that they expressed a positive impression of the field of robotics, more than 45% of them are not mostly familiar with the complex terms and the vocabulary being used in robotics studies.

At the end of My primary research questionnaire, I put two questions that will investigate the view and the opinion of the people regarding the future concerns and predictions in the field of robotics. The responses indicated that more than half believe that there are some serious concerns and also agree that robots will be an integral component in the future of human life.

Tableau des réponses au formulaire Forms. Titre de la question : Do you really believe that the concerns regarding the robotics such as unemployability, robots’ invasion might happen in near future?. Nombre de réponses : 13 réponses.


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