Software (Example)

RoboDK Sofrtware (Example)

The RoboDK software had many users since it was launched for the first time in 2015, it has more than 30 000 users around the world, furthermore, it is also being used in the educational field precisely at the universities, and besides that it is being used in the manufacturing field.

Here are some examples and models that have been made using this software, A further point also worth mentioning as it has a relation with the current robot systems which is that some specific robots are still been programmed using the assembler-like languages rather than C++ or python because the manufacturing robots are too complex to program (RoboDK, 2022).


RoboDK, 2022. Off-line Programming - RoboDK blog. [online] RoboDK blog. Available at: <> [Accessed 3 June 2022].


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